The game overall is good but there are some aspects of the game that are disappointing. For starters let me state that I play with the accelerated clock on so this may be why.
The commentators will continue to yap on and on about one play, often times into the next play and sometimes even into the one after that. I know I may sound like I am nitpicking but it is rather annoying.
The next one involves relocated teams. When you relocate a team, once you are in your new home the commentators will often simply refer to your team as either "the home team" or "the visitors." They will mention your team by name once in a while but not like they do the already existing teams. With as good as AI is in this day and age and given the teams are built into the game, I would think those commentators would have no issues with this.
The other issue also involves relocated teams and even rebuilt stadiums for existing teams. They are all so generic and this is painfully obvious inside the stadiums. The sidelines and the backs of the endzones simply have words associated with football and in some the colors are not even close to being in line with the team. In an ideal situation, these new stadiums would have the team logos along the sideline, not random colors and football words.
I relocated the Rams and made them the San Diego Aftershocks. The colors of the interior are blue and black, not the dark gray and gold that is the team's colors. That is great if you've moved a team to Salt Lake and are using the Flyers name or decent for the Portland Snowhawks but terrible for the Aftershocks.
I decided to give the game three stars because it is fun to play but having the announcers call the game like my relocated team is a random team with no name or city two-thirds of the time is rather annoying. The problem isn't as bad if you're using London or Dublin (they'll call your team Londoners or Dubliners) but I like having my teams out west where you get that afternoon sun angle. Sadly, the commentators aren't so kind with San Diego, Salt Lake or Portland.