Been playing for a bout slightly over 12hrs, so far...been a blast to play. The weapons, character customisation, locations and story. Scroll bottom for summary.
It has a huge map, plenty exploring and driving, though after awhile, I just kept looking for airborne mode of transport coz of the driving. Make mistake and go off a cliff, it’s a real pain to get back on track.
Take on each Mission however player finds or feels suitable. Make a mistake in stealth, all hell breaks loose. Still, totally worthy side quests and missions to upgrade your character and equipments.
My biggest issues:
-the annoying as hell glitches. You’re on mountains a lot. If you accidentally fall into a glitched mountain side with a hole inside, it’s over. You won’t die, but this game won’t let you die too, Your ai might revive you. And you’ll still be stuck in there.
-game desperately need a restart from check point option. BCOZ U WILL SCREW UP ALOT. It’s incredibly frustrating when you’re caught(EVEN UR FELLOW AI GETS CAUGHT), and everyone knows your there. You’re not able to restart anytime you want, UNLESS, it’s a critical story Mission and you can’t afford to fail, then the game will restart that mission for you, which btw, includes you travelling there on your own again and starting from scratch. if you’re into full on gunz blazing then yea good for u. But I wanna play this like “splinter cell”. Or at least with minimal chaos as possible.
I have too much to say but here’s the important parts.
All this being said, I Freaking love this game. 8/10 for me.
Only issues:
-glitchy that needs u to return to main menu to restart.
-lack of restart checkpoint
-fellow ai can be useless
-levels can feel repetitive at times(but addictive)
-fast travelling and time changing would also require “quite annoying loading”.
-still don’t understand how the redeploy quite works.
-excellent gunplay
-huge amount of character customisation(thank god EA didn’t do this game)
-useful map
-your gun is yours, paint and mod how you see fit
-plenty ammo caches to around
-land, air and sea mode of transport available.
-mark and tag enemies with drone, team ai can execute for u.
-command your crew however you see fit.
-feel like a complete badass