I didn't know what to make of this series but since I only had 3 more days before Netflix took it off their schedule, I decided to watch the first couple of episodes. Having done that, I now intend to watch nothing else until I complete the whole series, hopefully by midnight on the 28th February. To see how a Ukranian democratic government works, albeit through a satirical set of eyes, has proven to be delightful, mainly due to the, who, as twisted fate might have it, went from actor to actual President of Ukraine in 2019. The show itself is funny and Volodymyr Zelensky for now at least has an endearingly confused charm about him. He is a history teacher and it's obvious that his students, who were behind the effort to have him run for President in the first place, really like him. I don't know where this is all headed but I imagine that this history teacher will be the center of change in the Ukraine despite the concerns of his ministers around him. I am looking forward to see how this all comes out.