What i like in the movie is because of the action and the actors work really hard and the staffs work pretty good too and the drama made me exciting.
(SPOILER AHEAD) Byeong chan made the virus to help his son but he didn't think that its gonna spread then it did hyeon ju got bitten by a rat so then she became a zombie then started spreading the virus the 2nd one who was infected was on-jo but she just got a scratch then hyeon ju bit the school nurse so she was infected too until then the school nurse started biting other people then spread the virus
My question is how did cheong san did not die when gwi nam throw the knife at him??
Is byeong chan alive?? He got bit with a lot of zombies but he is not one of the episode no more hes doing research to find a cure to the virus
Gwi nam is really scary if everyone be rude to him he just say bye bye to you
People bitten:hyeon ju school nurse bully na yeon gyeong su byeong chan joon yeong woo jin nam so ju cheong san's mother i-sak gwi nam cheong san nam ra thats all i know. the zombies scare me with their face the makeup artist is really good at doing that and i like all of us are dead because im curious is cheong san really dead do you think that to???