I initially turned this show on as a potential alternative to all the nonsensical cartoons I see on TV meant for my child. Well, my child quickly fell in love with it, likes dancing to it, and is learning new words from it.
Then, once I quickly noticed how well-written this show was - for both kids and adults - my husband and I also started paying attention. Now we are all watching it. Even after our child's gone to bed, we put it on while we relax for the evening.
Various episodes have made me cry real tears. Other episodes have given me good parenting tips. Others have made my husband and me laugh out loud since we find so many of its parenting moments relatable. So it's now our household's favorite show, and that's saying something. (Shortly after my husband and I were done binge-watching Gilmore Girls and The Office, we ran dry for two years without a shared favorite show. Bluey has reunified us!)