Dear HBO,
Ok, the first half of S1E1 was awkward, but it got better the last 25 minutes. After all, it’s kinda creepy watching a sex series about girls that are the age of your grandchildren, but all of the girls had plausible sexual experiences. That’s the advantage of having a lot of chick friends in high school even in the 1960’s. It got even better and more funny with S1E2. Please hire a cursing coach, STAT! If my grandkids ever sounded that unhip, I’d join TikTok and post all of their awkward 6th grade school photos and a live video feed of myself demonstrating the correct usage of the F-word on Instagram. Just kidding! Beyond that, I thought it was pretty cool and funny. I can see the potential writing themes of social media influence and parents trying so hard to be too hip. And it has a Sex in the City feel to this generation, like Twitter had crash-landed on the Planet IPHONE. Don’t try so hard, and you’ll be fine. Times change, but people don’t. I like the nude party scene because there is an art to not looking. LOL! Kinda cool to see this generation spread its wings.