There are things to like in this game for sure, and if it was the only game I had available, I'd certainly play it thoroughly, but I got the game on my PS+ subscription and I don't want to spend time playing something I'm not completely engaged with, so I dropped it. I think my biggest issue is with the combat, it's just there, it's nothing special, and I don't think this game needs to be about the combat, but as you progress, enemies become tankier and tankier, by the time I was in the second planet, I think, it took over 20 bullets to kill even the most basic enemy, I found myself standing face to face with it shooting my gun point blank, and the hp bar would barely change. As you move on there are more and more enemy encounters, and most side quests revolve around fighting something. If at least there was more enemy variety or the planets looked more different from each other, I would've been able to put up with the boring combat, but it felt really lame that I was in another planet facing exactly the same enemies, with basically the same scenery. Anyway, it just wasn't the sci-fi experience I was looking for, it's an ok game, but I'm glad I didn't pay for it.