I used to watch this show weekly for over 20yrs. Please BBC use this as a measurment of how out of touch you are.
You get rid of your main attractions ad trust me it wasnt the show.
Then you bring in comics and has been's.
You then completely take the baloni by getting rid of stigs lap and asking people to watch online.
You ....... plonkers, all youve done is given people reason to stop watching BBC top gear altogether and then you provide advertising for your competition by asking people to go online. And guess what I have gone online but not to watch BBC or top gear but better alternatives especially on Amazon prime. I thought Grand tour was bad but im sorry Top Gear is now shockingly bad and further away from the essences that made it a British Treasure.
Please sack the producers as his/hers ideas are the death of a British classic programme. BYE BYE Top Gear... and I do agree Clarkson became arrogant, but that should have been excused as he is OLD, senile almost but still could have just had him as a ranting old fool...