I love Joey King, all her movies I watched because of her, but this one? I think I got 20 minutes into it before turning it off, I can understand trying to get your parents back, but to fake a death? And making your parent believe it knowing they'll do whatever to protect you, especially her dad in the movie is going crazy trying to protect her and she's acting crazy, yelling, making a scene, then one minute she's yelling I don't want too, the next minute, like what she "did" never happened. I got to the part where Sam caught them all lying (ex-husband walks out, then Kayla) when he came to the house looking for Brittany, like common sense, I know its a movie, but come on, the writer must really know how to urk the viewers, I was in-between 2-3 stars.. I didn't care much for the movie, but thats just me, other people might like it, everyone has different opinions