It’s sucks this game was put to the dirt. Yes I will admit the game wasn’t perfect with supply drops and the fact that leaderboards and combat record weren’t added until months into the game. I honestly think it only got the hate because people were tired of the futuristic theme. I felt that it was once black ops 3 ended they were like. We just want modern warfare. Which sucks infinity ward can only make a good call of duty if it’s modern warfare. Also the campaign was amazing. It is honestly my second favorite campaign. Behind black ops 1. The zombies was super corny in the first map but you realize that’s apart of the story. Their playing rolls in a movie. It makes sense and the Easter eggs were fun and it gave a lot to do. M3rkmus1c said that the zombies were super cheesy. But it’s supposed to be that way. And I think Modern Warfare Remastered had a part in it. Everyone just wanted to compare Infinite Warfare to it. And Modern Warfare Remastered is the fan favorite so it will always win. I’ll end it here besides what everyone else says. I liked infinite warfare. GG Infinity Ward