I have purchased 2 of these in the past... and am looking forward to purchasing another, as I've learned through my life... bibles aren't possessions. They may be something that is "prized", even cherished... but, when I speak with someone about God and they don't have a bible... it becomes their's. So... as for quality... "top notch!" Both of the bibles I purchased were the genuine leather (with flap) a personal choice. And... smells "wonderful to me". Of course, over time, the leather will stain, but... age nicely. As far as note taking space... as advertised. "Plenty!" (right handed) As for size... massive. (which... how could it "not" be?) Maybe that's one of the reasons back-packs were invented... The paper quality is fantastic... with very little "bleed through". (Maybe use a light color ink for notes... or... a No.2 pencil... I make mistakes! Go figure) As far as font size... very easy on the eyes... but, I'm nearsighted. Overall... A FANTASTIC BIBLE!!! SO... Why 4 stars? Hmm... Basically... I prefer the New American Standard translation. Okay... okay. I give it a 5 star rating! This is my honest appraisal. Happy studying.