So as everyone has said this is not a Knuckles series, this is Wade Whipple the series ..also sometimes Knuckles is there. NO, SERIOUSLY, Knuckles just straight up isn't in two of the six episodes, literally 1/3 of the entire series and even the episodes he is in he doesn't have much screen time and the finale he's in for like two minutes.
Also saying this "takes place between Sonic 2 and 3 means nothing because there's literally nothing that happens that you will need to know, it doesn't set up anything or contain any easter eggs (besides Shadow's motorcycle which was in the trailer anyway)
The whole series is full of 80s references ..I thought we were past this. Someone who was let's say 16 years old in 1980 is now 60 years old. The main Sonic fan base are people in their early to mid 30s. People in their 60s aren't watching this show with their children because their children are probably in their 30s.
As Sonic fans, we do not get a lot and with all the SA2 references in the Sonic 3 trailer we thought that FINALLY it was our turn to be pandered to by generational marketing, but no, still for people in their 60s.
This series gives me very low hopes for Sonic 3 and the so called "Sonic Cinematic Universe" they're planning. This series COULD have been used to introduce Rouge or better build up G.U.N but instead it focuses on the human characters.
Most insultingly, there are tonnes of human characters IN THE GAMES that could have been introduced in these movies but they just make up new ones.
So obviously, it's not good for fans but even if you're just your average 60 year old viewer, the acting and jokes are on par with Nickelodeon live action movies, just straight up cringe. There's like one or two actually funny jokes but they're quickly overshadowed by cringe acting and bad dialogue.
I wouldn't recommend this to any Sonic fan, just wait for the scenes of Knuckles (few as they are) to end up on TikTok and just watch those.
Show sucks. Knuckles isn't in two of the six episodes and barely in the other four. Acting is terrible and this series adds nothing to the overall plot.