Spoiler's below!!!
Love thrillers but this was hot garbage.
They psychologically torture this man until he decides to do the unthinkable. And at the end go it’s all a prank and you must love life now since you’re not dead… I mean he was fine until he thought he was broke, couldn’t trust anyone, and then thought he killed his own family member. They literally drove him psychotic and made him think he killed someone.
The “twist” ending where it was all a game there was no chance he could die was silly and unbelievable. It was somehow all meant to be and they don’t make any mistakes. Somehow they calculated even to the exact angle and part of the roof he’d jump off of. Because a physical and psych tests can predict everything he’ll do. Even that he won’t get hurt or knocked out when thrown into river in a taxi. Or break his legs or get impaled jumping in the dumpster. If you’re looking for a deep movie that makes you think this isn’t it. It’s all done to try and tell a shallow message at the end that you don’t know what you truly have until it’s gone. But the way they do it and expect you to play dumb the entire time to get there is frustrating to say the least.