for the love of God, think very carefully before going to see this movie. I’ve grown up watching these movies and I am obviously accustomed to the violence that pervades Indian cinema. Despite that, this movie sickeningly exploits its audiences vulnerability when they sit down in a theater and allow themselves to be immersed. I don’t think any sort of argument that this is some artistic critique of society justifies this sheer extent of plotless, shock-factor centric, horrifically insensitive first 40 minutes of this movie. It is disgusting the extent at which directors will go to make their audience “feel something” and it should not be this hard for them to realize that all they are doing is desensitizing their audience to real life issues when these issues get reduced to horrific, emotionally wrecking portrayals on movie screens. I cannot speak to the rest of the movie because my sister, mom, and I left the theater crying to the point of retching, with no meaningful takeaway behind it.