Absolutely loved this show. Finally, actors that look at the age of the characters they are playing, while also being just as professional. I think every character perfectly suits the role they were given, and to point specifics out the actor that plays Wilhelm can convey so many emotions through a single look and it was so personal and honest. The soundtrack to this show complimented every scene perfectly as well, with the more intense and dramatic scenes getting a beat that fit it perfectly and almost made me shake. I could go on and on about how wonderful this show was, but I don't want to spoil anything so all I have to say is that this show was amazing (easily my favorite Netflix show ever, and possible favorite in general) and 100% worth the watch. There is only one drawback and that's that it's only 6 episodes and it just feels like it goes by SO FAST. I know that generally when they make more episodes that are a little longer the quality of the story goes down a little because it had to come up with a realistic set of problems for every episode, but I feel like there could have been a little more content. BUT OVERALL AMAZING.