I SERIOUSLY CAN'T BEGIN TO SAY HOW MUCH I HATE THIS GAME. It's dumb. For one, there's videos like "WE CAN FINALLY TRADE BUCKS IN ADOPT ME" and um, you can't trade bucks in adopt me. How stupid. I don't like this game and my "friend" pretty much flexes on it. If my real friend actually played that would be better but I don't even know her username. Also, if I'm in a good mood, and then I play adopt me, I just get in a bad mood. I hope roblox will take down adopt me sometime. I know it gives them players but they can find other games. they found adopt me, so they can find other games. and to the people that worked hard in the game, its just a virtual game it doesn't matter if you lose some old virtual junk. it matters if you lose someone in real life, not if you lose a silly virtual pet in a game. plus I worked hard to get good stuff and I hatched a unicorn out of a cracked egg and WHOOOOOO the next day my account got hacked and the unicorn was gone. but it's not really a big deal. It's just a virtual pet I could always get another one. but I really don't ever want to play adopt me again. it puts me in a bad mood. plus, it seems like adopt me has more visits than people in the world. do ghosts play this??? or dead people??? seriously, like 9 billion visits. so dumb.