The series held my interest, and the special effects rocked my subwoofer, but…recent attempts at character development have lead to extended emotional sequences with swooning background music that attempt to dramatize love interests with a very adolescent lean. Hence, the script is disingenuous. Is everyone gay in the future as well, and why is there so much time allotted to seek my empathy for same-sex relationships? Force feeding will lead to a distaste for even the favorite of foods. Please, no more educational attempts to program my sensitivities. Finally, the Tilly character is getting more intolerable. If I am intended to be annoyed, then the directors are successful. Please kill the character, but in a non-dramatic way. She doesn’t deserve it. I won’t spend time on season 5, and my rating is five stars for season one, and one star for season four, and dropping fast. The original series should be allowed to retain its cult following with no more spin-offs like Discovery.