Think again about reading if you're bored of the same woke story. Single-40-year-old heterosexual-turns-lesbian it's been done already.
I feel she has destroyed these characters, I don't even see the point in Nadine & Magda being written in the book, they serve zero to the plot, which they would of previously, there isn't even a conclusion for either of them at the end, just Nadine engages in promiscuous sex and then gets choked too hard by a stranger she let into her house & Magda gets pregnant to her third-time-hubby-probably-to-be and his children don't like her. That's it. No real learning curve for either of them. None of their stories antagonise each others story in any way they way they would of previously.
As for Ellie, I just don't believe the character who was so career focused in her teen years would suddenly let herself get pregnant after a one night stand and end up a single mother living in a council flat (but mainly out of pride, not circumstance) Hello morning after pill? Practice safe sex?
I feel like the only heterosexual male characters (her ex teacher 10 years older than her that she dates and father) are written purposely to be disliked. Both characters are written as if they are trying to control her when her father has generously offered her money to move into better accommodation - some people would do anything to have a father that cared about them that much and as for the teacher, yes he comes across as a bit of a know-it-all but I can think of plenty of WOMEN in life who are like this too, Im not sure why its constantly made out to be a male-only negative trait. He is more than generous and considerate of her. I think she comes across as ungrateful in this book massively. You're telling me at 40 it's took dating a man that is clearly devoted to her to realise she's also sexually attracted to women?
What's so wrong with one of them being happy in a hetrosexual marriage? Why no major details on Magdas divorces rather than focusing on a boring plot line of her newest partners children being annoying (seriously like a chapters worth, thats it) And if this is really about strong millenial women then surely there would be more to Nadine at 40 than bed hopping to fulfill an otherwise empty life?
Who exactly was this book written for? I cannot relate, I don't think anyone I know who have read the books as a child could either. This screams more Gen-Z than millennial. The only thing it concludes with is that Ellie was more grown-up then as a teenager than she is now.