This game's maps are not very great. There are too many angles to check and most of them except for haven are extremely defender-sided. Many agents' abilities are broken/takes no skills (Raze's ult, breach's flashes, skye's flashes, reyna's whole ability set and etc). Some agent's abilities are way too weak (brimstone's molly, omen's ult, sage's heals, and etc). The biggest isse i have with this game is the server latency issue, my internet is above average (13 ms, 90 mbps download and 8 mbps upload), but i always rubberband even when i have 20 ping. Sometimes the whole server lags and the packet loss is just insane. I've had no problems with other games like cs and r6 but valorant's connection issues are just too much.
Fix Icebox, revamp maps, make BETTER maps.
Balance agents, listen to the community.
Fix server issues PLEASE.