1) Sutter was never ever punished for ANY of his wrong doings! ie: drinking and driving (MULTIPLE TIMES); almost killing his "girlfriend"; quitting his job; cursing his mom; destroying a mailbox; drinking at a bar underage????; 100% definitely should NOT have graduated; and most importantly ditching the Perfect girl...I mean seriously??? He clearly had his issues which in a few ways is understandable. His dad was terrible. But that does not justify Sutter going through this entire movie without any TRUE consequences from his own actions. This movie glorifies toxic relationships, drinking and driving, and terrible parenting. "Oh hey, my son just drunk drove into my mailbox and shunned me, let me give him a big ole hug and let him know he's a champ" I mean this guy NEVER changed until the VERY end of the film. And that's a big "Maybe".
2) Aimee...come on girl. It was windixe window clean clear that this girl deserved WAAAY better than Sutter throughout the entire film. I mean really??? Smart, kind, sensitive, innocent. And being corrupted by the aforementioned Sutter. Which brings me to the ending....
3) this cliffhanger was probably the best thing this movie could have done to even come close to properly wrapping up such a mess. The very fact that he drove to Philadelphia (in a vehicle that probably should not have even been running well enough to make such a trip) shows that he did not learn his lesson. That little anecdote he wrote, for a college that should definitely NOT accept him, only shows a tiny inkling of self discovery.
4) Did Sutter recover from his alcoholism? Did Sutter apologize to his mother (and Literally EVERYONE else) for just being a trash individual? Did Sutter admit to paying someone off to pass that math class? Did Sutter rebuild the mailbox? That is why this cliffhanger was good and possibly the best part of the movie. Sutter clearly has a lot of healing to do, and maybe the ending was the beginning (or end?) Of it all. Maybe he wasn't trying to get her back, maybe he was going on an apology/ self discovery road trip. Aimee needs to move on from this guy, and has probably already done so. But maybe a TRUE apology from Sutter will complete it. It makes ZERO sense if she were to take him back. I get that type of stuff happens, but for a teen romance flick, Aimee taking back Sutter after he ditched her (figuratively and LIT-ER-ALLY) is completely insane and far FAR away from a proper teen romance flick. Otherwise, we are saying it's okay to be a complete @$$ to everyone including yourself and you will still get what you want.
I can see how a young fickle teenage mind could enjoy this film (unfortunately). But these professional critics have me on a WHOLE new one. How can you be a grown human being and not see these corruptive underlying messages? The subliminal details!?? Now dont get me wrong, I really really REALLY wanted to like this film. The trailer, the cast, even the beginning! I mean I thought I had it all figured out in the beginning. I was expecting some big twist/ reveal/ jaw dropping moment! I had this whole super sad typical shailene Woodley movie ending in my head. But booooy was I wrong. Whew wee was I wrong. Sutter was a total....and he never did anything to convince me otherwise. How did these Critics find this movie to be even remotely worth a watch? Beats me. I mean the cinematography was pretty good....I guess!? Maybe that is what I am missing, because I can't find a thing under the terrible overall message of the film. Also, what type of mother names their child Sutter?