OK, this first thing imma say is that if a TON of people are playing the trail but don't wanna buy the full thing, then this game will be dead in a few months. This should have been free but it's E.A. so they have to profit off their customers. A few thing's I will recommend are, Double Jump, This game will be so much better as a PVP and platformer if you can Double Jump. Climb. If given the ability to climb is given, then the movement will be SO FUN. INCREASE THE GLIDER SPEED. The glider speed is SO slow. Add an extra heart as an award (you earn one, and only use it when chosen) Couch Co-op. It'll be even more fun if you can do 2-4 players with family or friends with couch co-op. Fix the customization, some of the Female's look like a dude.
Overall this game is fun, just need a few quirks then it'll be even better.