As an educated lady ...why can't apata write in advance if anything were to happened to her suspiciouly then the investigation should start from her grandsons as they intended to harm her because of the property issue.
Easwari is the most idiotic character despite being educated. She should think out of the box for her children's sake. How long will she be mute as an imbecile .
Jananee should start recording events in the house secretly knowing very well how manipulative they can be.
This is the only way to establish what sort of vile characters each grandson have in an event if anything happens to her or apata.
By tarnishing their true vicious characters the court will know their true intentions if anything bad were to take place.
All the daughter in laws should start collecting evidence secretly to proof they are ill treated in the house. This can be their ammunition in court one day if necessary.
Apata must make sure that Jananee is not harm by them if anything were to happen to her by providing the necessary written testimony in advance against her grandsons
In her WILL she also must add that her WILL cant be changed for 30 years. This is because in an event if everyone pressure Jananee she may surrender the property back to the grandsons if apata wrote it for her.
The WILL must clearly indicate if Jananee and the daughter in laws are not working then the property will be donated to the public. In this way they can get their independence and start standing up for themselves.
Gunasegeran has to oblige or else 40% will be given to the public. If the criteria's are not followed.