This game was amazing but there were some things about the game that turned me off about it. 9.5/10
Haunting atmosphere, I loved the asylum in this game and the multiple buildings in the games just adds up to the creepiness in this game and it felt like a horror game at some times such as killer croc 💀
Combat, do I even have to say anything? Your Batman for crying out loud, the combat is super consistent and I like the skills you can upgrade to do different attacks and stuff like that
Story: this game had a super compelling storyline and probably one of the best in the Arkham games imo
Very short, it took me six and a half hours, yea just 6 and a half hours to beat this game which is a shame cuz it was really cool game and good experience for people who want to begin playing these games
Boss fights: oh my lord, this is the worst part about the game which is the boss fights, there were only a couple cool fights such as poison ivy and killer croc, but the titans in this game were so overdone it was just getting old, but the worst fight for me is definitely the titan joker, that mf goes for a 3 swing combo jumps up onto the platform, calls goons down to fight you and once your done with them you have to pull joker down with the bat claw and start an onslaught on him, and the process keeps repeating until your done with his 3 health bars
Other than that, I thought this game was amazing 🙏 play it I highly recommend it