This is not a good film, I have never seen it but judging by the rant that I received about how awful it was, as well as the 3 clips of it that I have seen on youtube. Its safe to say that this film is best off being a piece of lost media on the ever-expanding internet. Only to be uncovered again one day in millions of years. but only to have another review, with the same opinions as this very one here, written down and posted, further trumping the number of positive reviews that this film has with negative ones. Sending this film into a downwards spiral into the abyss, where it will eventually hit the earth with such force that it would be pulverised and no remnant of it will remain to exist. Some may say that we cannot destroy matter, but I think if we try hard enough... we might just be able to destroy this very film. It must be put to rest.
I have Spoken.