I'm sad to say that it was exactly what I expected, they always take good things and try to change them. But change is not always for the better.
I believe that the actors did a great job within the story they were given, but the movie sucks. If you have not read the books, you may love it! And that's okay but for those of us, that love the books this was like watching Percy Jackson, both movies, again.
The movie is a mash-up of all the books and not for the better. What's the point of watching a movie about Artemis Fowl if the is no Artemis to watch being evil? What's wrong with an evil child, doing wicked things?
This movie should be about hate and discrimination, ambition and greed, and all other things that humans (and faeries) what we are. To change all that is to make less of the struggles people have to face in life (mental illness, racial discrimination, bigotry, etc). The books are about how being selfish and self-serving is always the best choice but it also shows that - most often than not - you need to save the world to get what you want.