God I just love this show, it's hands down one of my favorite.I'm not quite sure how to describe the immense feeling it gives me when I watch it, most of the time I'm dying of laughter, but there are occasions like when Shawn is crying to his father, or the final episode that I just can't help but bawl. It's one of those shows that makes you feel nostalgic regardless of the date of it's release.
(I'm 13 so I wasn't around to watch the show originally but I did see the spin-off and it's not as good but still adorable)
it's an amazing show, not only are the characters relatable and humourous, but they show true character and what decisions can be life-altering. The Disney T.V. shows are nothing compared to shows like these, these have meaning and lessons within them, they joke about topics too sensitive to play around with about nowadays because of the public. The friendships in the series are just so incredibly lovable that I envy and cannot get enough of them, it's enough to have a friend your whole life like Shawn, but to marry a partner you've known even longer and trust just as much is adorable..everything I said still doesn't mention everything I think about this show but the rest is so strong that I can't really put to words as cheesy as it sounds ...thanks for a great show Disney 😊🥺♥️