I've just watched series 3 and it's fantastic. Usually , follow on series are disappointing.. but the only thing that disappointed me in this last series is Aureliano dying.. I grew fond of him and I really appreciated his acting skills.. in fact .. they are all great..I was born in Rome and grew up there... I've seen those people ( although not too often) and they represent them really well: the expressions, the way they dress... they really meet the expectations of someone who has lived there and is able to identify their body language...
What is also great, is the friendship between the Aureliano and Spadino and their girls, it is sad to understand that , like Karma, some people are just born in those families and cultural contexts and are like trapped by what is expected of them, they cannot come up with other ways to make a living, which in many respects, would be less tiring and definitely less dangerous than the way they live.
it is sad that Rome is represented as highly corrupted, where politicians are so deeply involved together with the Vatican etc etc.. unfortunately , it appears to be the reality as it emerged in the 'Mafia Capitale' investigation not long after the original movie was released..
Last thing I want to add:
so sad there won't be fourth series...