Getting much better. Originally bought this for $19.99 to support the devs when it was still in a pre-launch mode. I was pretty upset about the game and stopped playing it for quite some time. I gave it another shot and I was very pleased to see that there have been numerous updates done to fix bugs and issues primarily, on top of adding new guns, skins, maps, etc. I currently like the game and have found it to be 100x better than it was when I last played it. The hit box issue has been fixed, gun issues have been straightened out immensely, the movement and mobility is a huge improvement, the SOUNDS of footsteps and just the entire map in general is night and day difference. Overall, I’d say thank you to the devs for continuing to work on this game despite all the negative traction and feedback received, although maybe warranted. The game is fun and with friends, even more. Give it a shot.