This is the worst Call of Duty I’ve ever played, by a long long long way. In fact easily the worst game I’ve played this year. I played a lot of Warzone which isn’t a good direct comparison but even vs the previous games in the Black Ops franchise this is just an abomination. The multiplayer particularly feels like I am playing a game of Time Crisis at the arcade. If you are really keen on getting this I’d really suggest waiting until heavily discounted because you can’t get anywhere near £60 out of this game. Waste of space on my console.
UPDATE: had this now since release and it just gets worse. The game shuts down your console (series X) on average once every 10 games. The vibration doesn’t work once every 5 games and the servers are down constantly. Activision has fallen off a cliff and become (in my opinion) the worst of the top games developers. This is the worst game I’ve ever played, period.