Having just finished the film, I found it incredibly charming. I'm not a huge fan of gore, but the gore that there was was almost magical in it's qualities, walking the line between comedic relief and badass slow-motion almost painerly-esque. The title cards are incredibly creative, though a little hard to read at times. Everyone on screen seemed to be having a great time and the main group once it's established is full of people who have legitimate and interesting reasons and emotions behind how they interact. I'm a sucker for cute father daughter stuff too, and I appreciate that this movie's token father has an actual reason to be the way he is rather than somehow this terrifying murder machine being a perfect dad (something that bothered me with the last film). I know it was advertised as "irreverent and witty," but that's not really how it struck me. It feels more like, a kid imagining a scenario for all their action figures, if that makes sense. That is by no means an insult, In fact I think that's what makes it so fun and beautiful. The shear amount of artistry and love on display in every detail of this film makes me so happy. Pure popcorn filmmaking at it's best. A special thank you to Henry Brahan and his team, the editors, WETA, Trickster, Scanline and all the others, and to the brilliant James Gunn. You guy's work always makes my life brighter.