Snaketeeth01 in game.
Been around since the start.
Though reviews point out a broken game state.
Creative team being stale.
Support system being innefective.
Understand first this is a game as a service. Always in development.
Always in flux.
The bad times are expected to balance out the good.
If you post your account due to it being tied to Facebook. That's on you.
BB told you to migrate account for two years before the change was implemented. I know because I have catalogued all their posts declaring so.
I have also posted on public forums telling you to migrate your account.
I have also personnaly provided support contact information to guide multiple accounts through a successful migration.
If you did not do it.
You did not do it.
It wasn't being done for you and you couldn't have been told any more.
Games are not new.
Game news is not new. Patch updates are not new.
BB do not release play guides. Players do.
Read this stuff.
You get out of this experience what you put in. As I look at the one star reviews here. I can see you did not put in. So you got the one star experience. Go play something else.
This game offers many long term mechanics which provide to a long term experience.
Sure I have played fallout and borderlands through the past decade. But it's not like I've played them for the past decade. With settlers I know where I stand on the day is culmination of all days before.
At any time I look back I see the steps taken to progress and can apply that strategy forward to progress further.
After one year of play you will just be getting into the meat of the learning curve.
Anybody with under three months play trying to comment on this game have nothing to say about this game.
The game is very approachable and be taken casual at your own pace.
But it also takes time to understand the depths that are at play.
Too many skim the surface and bail before their eyes open to the big picture.
Those who stay, love it.
Newcomers may find Menon NA server and welcome to resource boosting and training as all new players are.