Take my words, no show can beat the authenticity of STRIKE BACK. I have been watching thousands of shows from all different languages, across the world. I haven't got attached to any show, like I did with Strike back, including the cast, plot, stunts, emotions, everything. I have watched all the lead actors in various different shows, like, Sully from Blindspot, Phil from The Player, Armitage from Berlin Station, Rhona from Last ship, etc. I never thought what would be the combination of all these brilliant actors together. I know now!!
Strike back is not just a show, its an emotion, a pride and understanding what it takes to be a soldier. Tbh, my genre in military, thriller and action, comedy, drama, but this one has all in one, gives you a taste of everything.
If any thing, can beat the crazy stunts by Tom Cruise, they're these guys. Stonebridge and Scott, then, Wyatt and Mac gave us the glimpse of brotherhood, and the badass ladies of the show is the icing to the cake. Alin, Yasemin, Rhona, Michelle, Rox, damn these women have inspired me soooo much to join the military and own a position as leaders. The first five seasons has Mike and Damian, and honestly they've an outstanding chemistry guys, I missed them in 6&7, obvs. Similarly, I got attached to the full team in 6,7 & 8. huh!
I wish the show never ended with the 8th Season. I just hope you guys do a comeback with new actors and start the show again. All I can do, is wish. Thank you, you guys, every one from the show, the outstanding cast, incredible director, amazing writers, producers, Cinemax!!! and of course the soothing and wunnerfuuullll theme song.. "this ain't no place for no hero, this ain't no place for no better man.." yaay!! I have downloaded the song, its in my playlist now.
^Don't miss this show, start with the second season and don't stop until the end. JUST WATCH IT!!! you'll be the next one writing brilliant reviews here.^