This movie tells many lies and even comes up with their own facts with nothing to back it up with. If you look up “what the health fact check” you will find many articles explaining how much of the film is over exaggerating the numbers and making claims that just simply are not true.
One of the main things that struck me was that they tell you not to eat animal products because they eat grass that has absorbed toxins from pollution. This “contaminates” the animal and the products that come from it. If the animal is getting all the toxins from the plants, then why would we want to eat them????? The real takeaway from this example should be that we need to stop polluting so much!
Another claim that the movie states is that fat causes diabetes and sugar and carbohydrates do not. This literally is a lie. There is absolutely no evidence they could pull to make any sense of this. As someone who has diabetic family members, CARBS AND SUGAR ARE TERRIBLE!!! Low carb diets are best for people with diabetes plus it helps with weight loss that is also good for them!!
Overall this movie is pretty stupid if you open your eyes and actually pay attention. You don’t have to love eating meat, that’s not what I’m saying, but if you really want to get rid of all animal products, then you better find jobs for the millions of people in the US who raise the animals, PLUS all of the people who clean the animal and process it.