Falls short of it's predecessor. The story is intriguing but after 8 hours of play the gameplay fails to entertain. Enemies are a joke and respawn immediately after an area is cleared. The level up system has been replaced with a wardrobe that offers basic, small buffs to character performance and access to new weapons. The "hunting party" aspect from Far Cry 5 has been removed, but that is the only improvement. Even the landscape somehow seems lesser. Also, it appears the only NPCs followers you can enlist, are animals and thus far El Guapo, the crocodile plastered at your side is only gifted in breaking stealth attempts and acting as cannon fodder. Truly a letdown, Far Cry 6 is a serious backslide from Far Cry 5 in all the ways that matter. While new innovation is expected in a game, completely mulching everything from weapons to enemy intelligence hinders what could have been their best title yet. This game is Jar Jar Binks of the series.