Mika & Joe, I know that Trump drives the news cycle with his outrageous behavior, however you all are ignoring very important domestic and international news. You are doing us, your loyal viewers, a huge disservice by thinking that we, the American People, don’t care about the extreme things this Trump Cabinet is not doing for the American people. Your Producers have to stop being so damn lazy, picking only the low hanging fruit and not using their obvious talents to tackle these pressing problems. The Donald Trump stuff is obvious and is run on a continuous loop every day all day. Yes, his personal behavior and words are important, but this guy’s words are meant to keep everyone’s eye off the ball. Please stop falling for the shiny objects and report other important domestic stories as well as world issues. For example, babies dying at the border, pregnant black women's mortality rate, the continued poisoning of ground water, the wide spread Led Pollution in American cities, wide spread Air Pollution, the real economic and employment numbers that are only a super charged continuation from the Obama recovery, the crisis in Sudan and Hong Kong, the growing influence of China in Africa and the middle east, the new troubling cooperation between China and Russia, should I go on? Just pick one of these to expose daily and watch your ratings explode. You and the other very talented Anchors and their staff on your network are fully capable of covering these stories in a very informative and entertaining context. Please, please use your platform more responsibly, we all will benefit so much more. Your interview with Jeanne Safer was such a relief from the Trump craziness. Oh, by the way Mika my daughters love you, Oldest almost a Dr. of Psychology, the other Sr. VP/Corp Attorney and the baby and her Husband are award winning International Photojournalist and all are my Black Girls Rising!!! May God Bless you all and our great nation.