Looking at so many 5/5 lets me know you are bots/fake profiles. Anyone who says they played plenty of video games and say this is a great game didn't even play Rocksteady Batman games. Marvels Avengers was/is terrible. Basically this game did not give myself the Marvel experience of a video game. The Spiderman PS game was a great experience but this game missed the mark on story line, villains, strength level, power ups, graphics(if a game even before it comes out the graphics are already bad then it was going to be bad even when it comes out). From all the games that have come out with the engines and storylines from the batman games, grand theft auto 5, red dead 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Star Wars fallen order. This game was trash and unless their is a revamp in dlc and fixing more bugs I suggest not paying full price for this game. It looks like a Marvel legos game and plays like a game on the playstation 2.