Star Wars episode 9: The first 25 minutes or so of the film were disappointing to say the least, with lots of rough editing, cut and paste, no inter linkages to episode 8 and the character of "Poe Dameron" desperately trying to be a substitute Han Solo, just that it didn't work. This "Poe" character was cringe-worthy all throughout the film.
All systems "fail" until the scene when Chewie was being kidnapped and Rey does a back flip to disable Kylo Ren's space craft. This was for that very instant, excellent, even worthy of a scene from any of any of the 3 original movies directed by George Lucas (the 3 best out of 9 episodes)... The bad form continued immediately though, with Chewie inexplicably not dead after Rey blew him up.
The film got better from there but don't get me wrong, it was still a "rushed" effort but much better than the movie was before that point.
One thing to note was the fact that in any of the other 8 films before it, you don't actually notice (or care) that humans are moving about in space without the need for Oxygen tanks whilst out in the open in space...However, in this film's final battle scene, it is very noticeable that the characters are doing that, you almost wanted to scream at JJ Abrahms "Hey, where are the Oxygen tanks?"
Also, on the scene where the Sith was killed... wasn't he generating his own electricty? Couldn't he have turned it off...Rey was only blocking it... The other thing was Kylo Ren's "cracked" helmet...on the one hand, it was clearly not cracked even though it had a "cracked" paint job. The other thing is that Kylo Ren didn't need to wear the helmet at all (Darth Vader on the other hand, needed it to live and breathe)...
The other annoying thing was that "Lord of the Rings" dwarf that kept appearing at the Rebel control center...his appearances and lines were clearly the product of heavy talent manager discussions...he was cringe worthy also.
I won't go into the deficiencies with the story line as many fans are analyzing that but I will say that the film was nevertheless, the best out of the last trilogy in the saga (episodes 7, 8 and 9), and the 4th best out of 9 episodes, only being bettered by the first 3 original films from the 70's and 80s.