The show is a Z nation “reboot”, the creators could of went in so many ways with this amazing film and they decided to go the way that gave them room to fit in another 5 seasons instead of closing off the story in a prober way in 2 or 3 seasons, which isn’t really a bad thing we’ll just have to see what they decide to do with the film. But other then that the shows decent, the first season was really unique and I really enjoyed it. But come Season 2 episode 2 it was apparent of the plot they were going for and everything was predictable “boy has a disease that can cure the world, boy wants to cure the disease , boy learns he can control the disease like he’s some plague doctor super hero, boy decides against cure, boy saves dying friend with the disease and passes on his abilities” which is also the exact same plot for the first two seasons of Z Nation.
Hopefully the creators can revive the series and make it its own in the next season and hopefully they don’t share similar plot points to z nation.
3.5/5 stars