I've gotten to page 116 out of 189 and I'm just so overwhelmed with all the "nonsense sayings" this writer has added to this book. And it's throughout THE WHOLE BOOK, for example.... "it's the simplifying of life, not the sacrificing of ourselves, the light to the dark, the pause in the go go go. (She doesn't stop there with examples) It's our rehab from the demands of life, the self-permission to bloom, the regaining of control, the nemesis to burnout, the straightening of the skew whiff, the blossoming of friendship with ourselves, the release of tension, the nurturing of dreams, the redirection of energy, and an emphatic goodbye to the shoulda, coulds and buts. We all deserve a big dollop of that.
She carries on for SOO long with stupid examples I've forgotten what the bloody point was 😂 like I hate not finishing a book but damn this book is torture and I'm not learning anything because it's so frustrating with all the silly sayings she continually puts in EVERY PARAGRAPH!! 💀
Perhaps this was a first book but I don't think I'd pick up this author again 😶🌫️