Irony reads George Orwell's classic "Animal Farm" and then turns on TV news media while having edible cannabis. Then decides to write a movie plot.
Yes! This movie's plot.
Craig Zobel's movie imagines a "Hunger Game" style playground in eastern Europe, where a company's CEO (so-called liberal elite) hunts "deplorables" (so-called Trump voters) with her associates/friends.
But, are liberal elites, with their power, perfect in planning and execution? Or, can they make mistakes?
How similar are these "liberal elites", "woke", successful individuals to those conservative yee-haw people? Is violence human nature? Is liberalism and political correctness just mere PR stunt?
This movie asks these questions and also some other, like, " Can you do coochie-coo with your finger?" and "Will there be sugar after revolution?" (Animal Farm, I know)
Overall, this movie is yet the best one of this year.