Great game, but needs some tweaking. Bots are a looming problem and if left unchecked, will ruin the game. End game content is currently lack luster, but the climb is fun. Pickup group content is difficult for solo players, but solo climbs are possible (but slower). The three faction concept is broken, as each server will likely dissolve into two competing factions, leaving a dead third faction. Invasion (PVE) mechanics are broken, resulting in 99% of invasion defeats. War (PVP) mechanics are fine, however the war declaration logistics are not thought out well. This results in people spending thousands of hours and millions of earned gold being lost at the drop of hat by as little as 2-3 people declaring a well-timed war such that the town owners cannot muster enough people IRL to defend their hard earned town. This will result in increased frustration levels and people leaving the game, which will then result in low server population, with one faction dominating each server, which will then kill the game. Without some mitigation allowing faction balance, I expect this game will be dead within a year.