Drama -Romance- Comedy, with the first 9 episodes the story line is good, although that there are some scenes which seems to be forced into the story, such that tv show that the characters are watching, its too much of it, its like showing or forcing it to tell the story line of the whole drama.
Towards the end of the 10th episodes and onwards, the story line just went downhill , its like the writer(s) ran out of ideas or a twist to keep the plot alive, I did not like the ending much, it feels like it was written in a hurry not much thoughts put into it.
Some sequence of the story feels like not completed, not able to connect to the next, its just feels rushed or incomplete.
The characters are funny, although some acting is awkward, forced, lacking or overacting. The main characters on some scenes showed their acting capability, there are some scenes that is not so believable, missing some charisma or not grasping into their persona, missing the proper expression to convey the line properly.
Could have chosen different actors ? Perhaps
There is a big hype, I am not sure because of its story, or its more on the popularity of the actors, not necessarily on acting capabilities on the role they are portraying.
Not bad , not the best neither, its okay.