If any producer or director of this serial get a chance to see my review..Pls take note of it.Do u guys hv at least a small thought of reuniting aravind and tamarai? It hv been so long since they got seperated and still their story hv not moved even an inch. Yes i accept that i expected a seperation track for them bcuz deep in my heart i had a feeling that aravind didnt value tamarai enough. So i expected a seperation track to see him realising her value.Yes he did a big mistake but thats the only mistake he did,beside that he's not bad. BTW every1 does mistake. No one is perfect. Moreover all the lead characters in nini has also done 1 big mistake indicating them as a normal human being who does mistake although their mistakes r not as same as aravind's. Nw aravind has realised her value, he has gotten the punishment he deserved, he has seen the pain living without her so nw u guys should take initiatif to reunite them. Im scared that u guys have decided not to reunite them at all ! Nw we feel pity towards aravind looking at the way tamarai is treating him. But still he is taking it jst like that as he knew that it was his mistake to let her go. This slow moving story of them causing us Aravind Tamarai fans to lose interest in this serial. Yes we r less in num but still there r fans like us who wnts to see their reunion.U better do smthing about it or else u will lose this fans of urs.