People would probably be drawn to this game by Female lead appearance on cover.She has a busty body.But why should one buy for this reason when one can go to hentai/web comics and see better drawn bodies than this for free? You could go to hentai comics and bodies are drawn like this all the time and sometimes with the same looks.I though it was a hentai at first because of how eyes/body was drawn etc.
It's a typical turn based game nothing new here.Same story. Same Cliche Characters. Same Anime class.It's ok but this is for someone who is new to Anime and who does not know the truth of Anime and it's repetition(art/writing). If your new to Anime or don't care about cliche and willing to spend $60 because of appearance of female lead(which is very hentai cliche) this game and all it's Cliche repetition is for you.