The story and concept is actually interesting and overall it is entertaining in my opinion to watch. That being said there are a whole lot of issues with the anime. I do not really understand why the police are never involved, also the teacher involvement is so little they literally go to class and do like nothing but talk to themselves and little parent involvement as well. The kings game origin is not ever fully explained and I thought it would have way more of an explanation but you do not get one. The anime is also very rushed and lacks direction due to how short it is, things happen very quickly and end before you would expect them to. Also the way the characters act in some situations is odd as well they can think one thing then just go the complete opposite way of thinking all of a sudden. Not really much building up or foreshadowing either although I guess it's kind of there in some aspects but nothing real important comes from it. There's more I can criticize like the dub also not being very good, but the reason why I gave this anime 4 stars even though it has a lot of flaws is because I was still able to enjoy it quite a lot.