everyone that rated this show poorly is too caught up in the original series. the creators literally said it’s a completely different show and they have a completely different story. i’ve watched a few episodes of the original and i watched both seasons of this show. i’ve never felt compelled to continue watching the original. this version is a lot more pleasing to me. and now all the hate has caused this great show to be canceled before we even got the full story. i’m sure himym was great. i personally didn’t enjoy the episodes i’ve seen as much as i like this version. maybe i’ll give it another chance. but y’all gotta let old shows go. when people make spin-offs either give it the chance it deserves or just simply don’t watch. but a lot of the negative reviews ive seen didn’t even watch the whole series… himym got to have its run. but now himyf had to end bc people can’t get over the fact that these two shows aren’t supposed to be the same. it’s really sad. now we’ll never know how the story was supposed to play out. i hope they choose to bring the show back.. i would love to see the rest of their story.