"Madari" is a gripping and emotional drama that depicts the aftermath of a tragic disaster caused by government corruption. The movie follows the story of Nirmal, played by Irrfan Khan, who loses his family in the disaster and embarks on a journey seeking accountability and revenge.
The director, Nishikant Kamat, has done an excellent job of portraying the complexity of human emotions and the impact of government corruption on ordinary people's lives. The movie is well-paced and keeps the audience engaged throughout.
The performances by the cast are outstanding, particularly Irrfan Khan, who delivers a powerful and nuanced performance as Nirmal. Jimmy Shergill, as the investigating officer, also delivers a strong performance.
The movie's themes of justice, accountability, and the struggle of the common man against corrupt systems resonate with the audience and leave a lasting impact.
Overall, "Madari" is a well-crafted movie that tackles important social issues while still delivering an engaging and emotional story. I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and impactful drama.