This book walks you through the life of Joey Pigza who is constantly in trouble due to his behavior. His behavior is something he cannot control because he suffers from ADHD. He is young but very aware that he is different. The author shows the struggle that comes with ADHD and how misunderstood a kid can be. As the book continues, Joey slowly learns how to make better decisions with the help of those around him. The author helps you see how a child with ADHD suffers more due to their peers reactions. When reading the book I really felt like I was in the mind of Joey Pigza which is difficult for an author to accomplish. I really enjoyed the book due to how much I could relate to it. I suffer from ADHD and am always told I talk to much and can’t stop moving. I do think this book only provides the lighthearted view of the disorder. However, this is a children’s book so I was impressed at how brilliantly the serious issues were portrayed and discussed. I was almost impressed with how many audiences this could benefit. Not only is it comedic and entertaining for children but reading it as a young adult, you get a complete different view. The way that the author uses sentence-structure to display the hyperactivity and struggles is incredibly brilliant. The run-on sentences show the reader how much of a struggle it is to focus on one thing when your brain is thinking of more than 10 things. I would highly recommend this book. I can’t pick a specific audience because I think it would benefit every type of audience that reads it. Overall, this book does a great job of educating others about ADHD and other disorders. It also has a very powerful message about treating people like Joey, who may have certain impairments they cannot control, with the same level of respect that you would want.