This game is good but need more work I’ve been playing the game for about 15 hours now and in my time playing I’ve been stuck with the same gear running around the same few places as everywhere else I get one tapped for being under leveled by like 80. The story line I like and I love the constant betrayal that happens and one big issue I really have is the combat system it doesn’t feel good it feels blocky after playing odyssey for a ton of hours and going to this game the combat fell off big time as I’ve started playing Valhalla all I’ve been doing to running around going quest to quest but not gaining like any armor or weapons I’ve been using duel axes sense the start and not finding anything new I see potential in the game but as of right now I feel they need to work on there combat system and gear gathering because I would love to use something other then axes P.S sorry for my grammar I didn’t proof read I just typed