Wherever the heck that was , that wasnt a movie it was a piece of garbage, a complete waaste of time.
The apple has fall very i mean, very far from the tree here.
Not worthy of the first one, not a worthy secuel, Ennio Morricone involved in this thing ,its a shame, such a talented artist.
Will see what happens with the third, ive read good reviews about it, we'll see.
The Exorsist for me ,at least, its THE most terrifying movie of all times.
Its hard to maintain the same level of quality in terms of Script , Acting, Directing,cinematography, the soundtrack etc ,... but this one... for God Sake...its a disaster.
Great Actors in this thing, cant call it a movie, another proove for me , is that no matter how good an actor can be,, if the script , if the words you have to say are poor, then your perfomance will become garbage.
Once ive heard in the Actor studio series, with the great James Lipton, that.. "an actor is not only meassure by his acting, but also in the ability to grab the right sript, the right director, and the right movie to be in.. it doesnt matter if it is a block buster or not, it only matters the people whos behind it if they are blessed and really commited to the priject, like Coppola in the God Father, or Pacino in Dog Day afternoon just to name a few.
Nowadays in 2022, i feel... theres a numbness in Hollywood for a long time now,... no films at all that for me are worthy to see. Nothing nothing, nothing, every single movie that comes out of Hollywood nowadays its pointless- boring -stupid- politicised, just pure rubish.
I grew up with Hollywood Films,I LOVE MOVIES!
Scar face - Saving Private Ryan - The king of comedy- The deer hunter- First blood- All presidents Men- The Exorcist- Backdraft- Rocky- Die hard-THE GOD FATHER - TAX I DRIVER - NIDNIGHT COWBOY- CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE THIRD KIND- and a thousand million more of the kind.. more!
Movies that had the power to teach you about diffrent lives, other worlds,that has the power, to make you learn a diffrent language than yours, to make you forget that you are in a movie theater, or in your own house, movies that create that invisible bond between you ( a simple human) and the story that is unfolding in front of your own eyes...thats the power of real movies...
Thank God for Martin Scorsesse still Alive, ( cant wait to see his las t film about the indians) Thank God for Todd Phillips ( JOKER) - Thank God for Christopher Nolan ( the creator of one of the most Amazing Batman saga ever,, (in fact the only one for me)..Daniel Day Lewis, Coppola, and lot of other talented artists..that i havent seen in a while, i wonder why...
Appart from this rareties of cinema today that ive just mentioned...
TODAY MOVIES ARE WORTHLESS - POINTLESS EXCERSICES- and this trash of a movie fits amazingly well, with the movies that are made today..
Dont waste your time
Will tell you about Exorcist 3 when i see it, hope its not another dissapointment